We wanted to bring to everyone's attention that former E46 firefighter, Andy Grascia, was in Israel, not far from Gaza, during the attacks this past weekend. Andy, in his capacity as a Deputy Chief Criminal Investigator with the Westchester County DA's Office, was with a contingency of chiefs from our region that traveled to Israel to attend a counter-terrorism, anti-semitism conference hosted by Israeli law enforcement and military. All members of the group returned safely to New York via Dubai on Monday.
Tom Drake spoke with Andy upon his return and he is doing well. The Israeli government locked down their group in a hotel until it was safe to move them to the airport to fly to Dubai. Andy described the constant missile warning system siren that continued for over six hours and seeing entrails from rockets and then smoke in the distance and sadness they all felt for what was happening to so many, so close to them.
We hope that everyone is doing well and keep in your thoughts and prayers all of our members who are affected by this tragedy. Lohud ran on Andy and his experience.
Reported by Tom Drake |